1) The chips we are using are not disposable....Please don’t throw them away and please don’t take them home. We must get them back before the end of the meet.

We will collect them after athletes cross the finish line but if you have no-shows, we need those chips back.

Likewise, please just announce to your kids before your team leaves, "If anyone still has a chip in your possession, go return it now." If chips are not returned, you will be billed $5 for each missing chip.



2) ROSTER NAMES --- Please check the rosters on the website to be certain your athletes are listed. (**note-- I don't need to know about switches from JV to Varsity or from Varsity to JV....I just need all your potential athletes that would run to be on that roster list so they get a chip and a chest number). If you have substitute someone at the race but their name wasn’t on the list, email me after the meet to get the correct name listed.


3) I STRONGLY SUGGEST that everyone put a couple of rolls of toilet paper into your team equipment bag....just in case it is needed by your team later in the meet and we ran out. (I should suggest that you bring a couple bottles of extra water....just in case...we've never run out of water before but I feel like I should suggest this.)


4) I will also be preparing the course on Friday so I probably won't be able to respond to emails on Friday.


5) If you've been to the meet before, you know about the traffic flow situation. I would just suggest that everyone give themselves some extra travel time for some breathing room in case of a backup (or worse, a fender-bender that totally stops traffic).


6) Wearing a chip is simple....but needs to be secure. Athletes should probably plan to double knot their laces. We will also give out little twist ties for added security. A sample way to attach the chip will be at the packet pick-up tent.


7) Athletes must check-in at the starting line 15 minutes prior to each race (to check chips, etc)....please have your athletes at the starting line at least 15 minutes prior to the starting line. You could probably tell your athletes to go to the starting line when the first place finisher of the race ahead of them crosses the finish line.


8) Make sure if you have an athlete who might lead or win,...they should know the course. There will be maps of the course at the meet and hopefully at the website early Friday.


9) Souvenir t-shirts will be on sale for $10 each....maybe mention that to your kids in case they want to bring some

extra $ with them.